COLLECTIVE IMPACT happens when a group of organizations commits to addressing a community-wide social issue that cannot be solved alone. It means adopting a new way of working by bringing nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public together around a common agenda. Collective Impact can produce large-scale social change in ways that other forms of collaboration and individual efforts have not. United Way of Southwest Michigan engages in six collective impact efforts. Working alongside other key community partners, we leverage our assets to galvanize our community around a common cause, a common vision, and a common path forward.
food access - be health berrien
Be Healthy Berrien is a countywide partnership working to reduce obesity and chronic illness by creating healthy places to live, work, learn, and play.
data system - great start collaborative, berrien
The Collaboratives work to expand and enhance early childhood systems in Berrien and Cass counties and make progress toward early childhood outcomes.
resiliency - healthy berrien consortium
Healthy Berrien Consortium is a network of health care organizations and leaders that works to improve the health and well-being of Berrien County residents.
classroom libraries - reading now network
Reading Now Network is a collective effort of school superintendents, school boards, and school districts throughout West Michigan to improve early literacy and student achievement across all grade levels.
safe schools - the outcenter
The OutCenter provides support and advocacy to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and their families in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren counties.
One important element of a collective impact effort is having a strong backbone organization. United Way of Southwest Michigan serves as that backbone for: